Saturday, May 12, 2012

110:57 Undead and Unwed by MaryJanice Davidson

The first book in the Queen Betsy or Undead series (I've seen it called both).  Out of work secretary is hit and killed by a car and wakes up a few days later in the morgue and walks out.  It takes a while but Betsy eventually figures out that she's a vampire but when she finally finds more of her kind, it becomes apparent that she is unique in her abilities to handle sunlight, crosses, and her hunger.  She is, in fact, the long awaited fulfillment of prophecy for the undead queen.  She doesn't want any of this however and wants to just go back to her old life but there are vampire factions that will not allow this and one of them comes bearing designer shoes...

I have to admit, I've seen this series around and heard friends talk about it and had pretty much brushed it off as too chick lit for my tastes.  Then I decided I might give it a chance and had started picking up used copies of the books in the series as I found them cheaply but still didn't read them and had actually boxed them up when I had to pare my book shelves down recently.  I only bought and read this one for a book challenge as it was the only series I could think of that started with 'U'.

I'm so glad I read it!  It was light and funny and it never took itself seriously.  It never pretended to be something more than it was which was a light, fun read.  I actually find myself looking forward to getting the rest out of storage eventually, filling in the holes and reading through them.  I can only hope they are as entertaining as this one was.

Page count: 255p/17,911p ytd

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