Friday, July 20, 2018

47:100 Clockwork Boys by T. Kingfisher

Slate is a forger and has been given the choice between death and going on a suicide mission. Since a suicide mission has at least a slim chance at survival, she choose that.  Her assassin friend was given the same choice and also went for the suicide mission.  Now she is looking for one more person to round out their party and she has her pick of the prisoners. As luck would have it, she has just a wee bit of magic, a strong rosemary perfume that tells her when fate is trying to knock on her door and this time, it runs her straight into a formerly possessed former paladin who murdered several priests and nuns of his god.

Fate has a sick sense of humor.

Once they are joined by their scholar who is looking for a book that may contain information about the Clockwork Boys that the neighboring state is using to war upon them, they can start their journey.  Their quest, to discover how the Clockwork Boys are made and if possible, disrupt the process or bring back information on how to destroy them while there is still a kingdom to save.  Several other parties have been sent out but none have been heard from, let alone returned.  Slate and her small band may be the last hope there is.

Definitely darker and less whimsical than the last book of her's that I read and also a bit slow paced but still enjoyable.  The characters were fairly strong and complex although a little less of the fatalistic monologue would have been nice.  I think this is just a duology in which case I have the next book waiting for me to find some time.

Page count: 230p/8,471p ytd/300,488p lifetime

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