Tuesday, December 17, 2013

130:120 Search and Destroy by Nancy A. Collins

The first new Sonja Blue in almost a decade and I was so looking forward to finally getting back into that world.  Unfortunately, this was a disappointment.  Yes, it was Sonja but all that made her different and unique was missing.  Her personality was bland and the entire thing was simply her hunting a basic vampire because that's what she does.  No other reason, nothing more to the story, just that.  After the other short story I bought that ended up just being a recycled story from several years ago with a few culture references updated, I'm not sure if I will try again or not to recapture my feelings for this series.  Sonja Blue was an incredible character and vampire slayer years before Anita Blake or Sookie Stackhouse or any of the others that we see currently but it doesn't seem like Ms. Collins heart is really in writing her any longer.  Her story seemed to be told and done and while I'd love to find out more, this type of thing is not worthy of her.

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