Thursday, January 21, 2021

4:100 Across the Green Grass Fields by Seanan McGuire

 Regan had always felt she was a perfectly normal girl growing up but she also understood that there were rules for how girls needed to act and look and if you wanted to stay with the group, you did not break those rules under any circumstances. She and Heather and Laurel had always been tight but then Heather broke the rules of how girls should be and Laurel turned on her, taking Regan with her and Regan knew that if she went against Laurel, she would also be an outcast so she didn't. Regan realized that Laurel's friendship was conditional but always thought she could keep it...right up until the moment when she couldn't. As she ran away with her heartbreaking, her door found her and took her to the Hooflands where a human would soon be needed to save the Kingdom.

Regan had always loved horses and now she was part of a herd of centaurs who defied the Queen of the Hooflands just to keep her safe. She missed her parents from time to time but years passed and she grew into a confident young woman in that time until it was time for her to face her destiny and overthrow the Queen. This was the way it was done in the Hooflands and as much as she wanted to stay with her herd, she finally had to do what she was brought there to do.

I enjoy these books and I loved the world and characters in this one but felt that the actual adventure was short and lacking any punch. We spent most of the time watching Regan grow up and then very quickly she faced her destiny and a door pulled her back to our world and it felt too rushed with no buildup.

Page count: 172p/887p ytd/348,268p lifetime

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