Friday, January 1, 2021

2020 Recap and 2021 Goals

 So yeah, 2020.  Huge elections for both primary and general meant a lot of work for me along with trying to take my college classes and then add in global pandemic to get the stress going off the charts. We had to put our dog to sleep, had our grouchy old kitty die a few days later, and then lost my dad a few months after that. As much as I usually derive pleasure and stress-relief from reading, there was just too much going on for me to process reading on top of it much of the time. So I not only didn't make my goals, but I also managed to not write single review for all the books I did manage to read.  I do plan on going back and filling those in but it will be it's own project.

So my goals for 2020 were to read 100 books, 25 new authors, and 20,000 pages.  I managed 77 books, 23 new authors, and just over 15,000 pages.  Considering how messed up everything was, I'm still considering it a victory.

I have no idea what this year is going to bring. My work shouldn't be stupid crazy this year but to make up for that I'm taking a full 14 units in school for the Spring semester, I've signed up for cross-stitch challenges to help motivate me to make some progress on those projects, and I have a ton of other personal projects that I want to work on along with getting my house sorted. In light of all that, I'm still going to try for the same goals as last year of 100 books, 25 new authors, and 20,000 pages.  We'll see what I manage to do.

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