Tuesday, July 5, 2016

59:120 Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger

Ms. Sophrnia Temminick is a 14 year old trial to her mother.  She would rather climb and dismantle things than sit quietly and wait around as befits a girl so when she is invited to come to Mademoiselle Geraldine's Finishing School for Young Ladies of Quality, her mother is happy to send Sophronia there with the hopes of getting a young lady back in a few years.  What her mother does not know, nor does Sophronia until she arrives, is that this Finishing School teaches not just how to be a proper lady but how to be one while poisoning, stabbing, and spying.  Now there is a missing prototype and even though Sophronia is only a first-year, she is in the right place at the right time to keep it out of thoroughly unfashionable hands.

Set in the world of the Parasol Protectorate, it was nice to be back on familiar ground.  As this was YA, it was written a bit more simplistic and the plot was not terribly engaging but it was a perfect summer read.  Light and silly so I didn't have to think hard but just let it take me where it was going.  Sophronia took a bit to really get interesting but in the end, she did get there.  Soap was a great offset to her and really, who can't love Bumbersnoot?!

Page count: 307p/16,053p ytd/266,013p lifetime

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