Wednesday, February 27, 2019

12:100 Souljacker by Yasmine Galenorn

Lily O'Connell is a succubus and hey, a girl's gotta eat, so she has an elite sex salon where she can do so without harming her clientele who are generally Weres and can spare the chi she needs.  It's a safe enough business venture until one night as she is getting ready to attend a client, that client is murdered in her room by a vampire and a strip of skin removed.  After a second vampire victim is found elsewhere, also with a strip of skin missing, the pattern becomes clear that it's the Souljacker, a vampire who was a tattoo artist before he was turned.  He is hunting down his previous clients and removing the tattoos that the drew from their souls and inked on their skin.  Lily has one as do several of her friends and they need to find and stop the Souljacker before he comes after them.

I generally love Ms. Galenorn's books and I was intrigued by this one but it just fell flat to me.  The characters did not leap off the page, the romance was lacking any real heat (despite the sparks that kept being mentioned), there was too much being crammed in trying to set up a series that it just didn't work for it to all be happening over the course of a couple of days, and Lily herself kept doing stupid ass shit that made no sense just so it would set her up for the next thing.  It was just didn't work.  This series was not picked up so no more will happen for a while and I can't say that I'm saddened by that.

Page count: 264p/3,124p ytd/314,029p lifetime

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