Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2018 recap and 2019 goals

So 2018 ended up being even more stressful than 2017 and a lot more chaotic than I could have ever imagined.  Work was a much bigger adjustment than I could have known it would be as I ended up taking on a bigger role than was first described which was good in a lot of ways as I'm enjoying what I'm doing a lot but it ended up taking more time than first thought as well.  And there were several deaths and a wedding which meant a lot of traveling, being emotional support for many, and helping in whatever ways I could. So yeah, a stressful  year.

I'm really hoping 2019 is less so.  I've got a better idea of what I'm doing at work now and since it's tied to the election seasons, I've got the first half of the year to deal with other things while work is slow.  I'm planning on enjoying it if I can ever get over this cold.  Mark has started a new job in a field he loves with people he has worked with before and enjoys doing something he is passionate about.  It will be hard work but of the kind that will be a joy for him to do.  Yes, he is still going to school but I'm hopeful there will be a better balance now.

So with everything that happened last year I did meet my goal of 100 books (Goodreads and I again disagree since I count Patreon short stories but not comics and Goodreads is the opposite) but only 30 authors and just under 19,000 pages so fell short on those goals but I'm still counting it as a success.

There is a lot to do this year to get things caught up after this last year so I'm going to keep it simple again.  100 books, 30 new authors (I want to read more by several of the new authors I've already read so...), and 20,000 pages (I'm going for an average of 200p per book I'm hoping to read from now on LOL).  My to-read pile has miraculously remained pretty stable, only up 3 to 1,396, and my read pile has now surpassed it with 1,411.  It's nice finally see those numbers swap.  Now to keep it that way.  LOL

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