Friday, September 14, 2018

New Releases I'm Looking Forward To: 4th Quarter 2018

My usual disclaimer:

Let me state, this is really based on authors or series that I'm already reading since those are the things I follow.  I'm not paid to write this blog nor do I have any affiliations with any publishers so I don't receive free books or advance notice of things except what I glean off Facebook from people who do have those contacts or what I research on my own (which again, leads back to authors that I'm already reading).  Maybe someday I'll be one of those who has the contacts and gets ARCs but it's not today.

So things on the job front settled for the summer and without the kids' school stuff, I was able to get some time to breathe and even read some.  I'm still behind to make 100 books read for the year (and I'm pretty sure my new author and page goals are laughing at me in a serious way) but I have gotten a little less behind.  Now though, school has resumed and while this is my last year with two students, I still have two students and all the reading that entails and there is an election coming up so yeah, reading time is again disappearing but I'm still hopeful that I will be able to find more time here and there and might at least be able to pull off my books read goal (even if there are a lot of graphic novels and short stories on the list).

So with that being said, here is how I plan on increasing my "To Read" pile this quarter (thankfully only with a few this time):

A new Pern installment by Anne McCaffrey's daughter?!  Dragon's Code looks like it could be amazing as Gigi McCaffrey is playing with her mother's characters in their usual stomping grounds so it's all characters we know and love.  Piemur's story of what happened to him while he was in Southern?  Yes, Please!

Release date - October 2

I really enjoyed N.K. Jemisin's The Fifth Gate (although I still need to read the rest of the series...sigh...time) and I'm starting to work on picking up more of her work. How Long Til Black History Month is a compilation of short fiction stories that look to be amazing.

Release date - Nov 27

The year finishes out with a new standalone by Mira Grant, Kingdom of Needle and Bone.  What happens when the diseases of the past have been beaten, or so people think, and so vaccination rates die down as no one believes how bad they were any longer?  In a Mira Grant universe, it can get so very bad.

Release date - Dec 31 

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