Monday, January 1, 2018

2017 Recap and 2018 Goals

So 2017 was a weird year for me and reading. I have started reading a lot more news and becoming more active in my community about issues that I care about but that has meant reading a lot more about those issues so I can educate myself and try to figure out how I feel I can help address them so that has taken a lot of my recreational reading time. Add in, this was a stressful year on many fronts and that stress was making it hard for me to concentrate on books at all.  There is still a lot of stress going into 2018 but it's different kinds now. My husband is working long hours and also going to school so more of the housestuff is falling on me which I'm getting used to but I'm also starting a part-time work from home job which I'm very excited about but I'm not fooling myself thinking that it won't require a lot of adjustments on how things get done around here and it's going to take time (and a lot of effort on my part) to get everyone on board to keep things running smoothly.

So with all that, I think it was a miracle I finished any of my reading goals for 2017 but I did read 120 books by my count (Goodreads and I are having a difference of opinion about what counts so our numbers are off LOL) and I read 40 new authors (actually ended up backing off a few books towards the end there so I wouldn't go over and make 2018's goals harder) but I got nowhere near my page count since I ended up going with a lot of short stories to try and make the 120 books read (well, that and I had a lot from one of my author friends and I wanted to try and get those caught up).  That meant I read less than 23,000 out of the 40,000 page goal.

Since I knew that I was reading less, I was also trying to buy less but I was also learning about lots of new authors that looked really interesting in all my research so my To Read pile grew rather significantly over the year rather than shrinking or remaining fairly steady.  I was at 1351 to read at the start of 2017 and this year I'm at 1393.  Whoops!  LOL  I do think this may finally be the year that I see my Read list overtake my To Read list which is pretty exciting. *crossing my fingers it happens*.

So looking at everything going on in my life and knowing that I'd like to not have to depend on so many short stories to get me to my reading goals, I'm going to cut things down a bit to try and make it more realistic for me and see how it goes. I'm still going to try for 40 new authors as I'm continuing to try and branch out but I'm only going to try for 100 books and 25,000 pages and I'll just see how it goes.

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